Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our Adoption Update

Many of you are aware that God has once again set things in motion for another Chinese adoption. Anyone who was not aware of this news, I am sorry, but SURPRISE! If you had an opportunity to follow Our Journey to Jael then you will not be surprised by our news. Ting li, which was one of Jael's best friends, growing up has become available for adoption. Many of you remeber her sweet face from our blog, some remeber the stories of our first meeting at the orphanage in March 2008, and some of you adoptive parents had separate meetings with Ting li during reunions, etc. Those who have had the opprotunity to meet her understand Ting li's desire for a family and the sadness she feels after watching all of her friends get adopted before her. Many of you have shared your heart, prayers, and finances so that Ting li can find a family. These things have been such a blessing to our family and a testimony to Jael. Jael never had a chance to see how amazing the adoption process is, who has a hand in what, paperwork, etc. One of the first thoughts Jael shared with us in China was, "Why does everyone only want the babies? What happens to the older kids? What is wrong with us?" Now I believe God calls a select few to adopt older children. It really has to be born in your heart before you can take that step of faith. I also want to share that the families I have met, who have adopted older children, definitely have risen to the challenge and they have been used by God in more ways then they know. We are so excited that Jael will be able to experience this journey with us and see first hand how amazing Adoption is and that there is hope for the older kids as well. I am embarressed to say my heart was not always for the older children but Jael has really opened up heart to love the older child and see them through god's eyes.

We have submitted our Letter of Intent to adopt Ting li and we are waiting for China to send us a Pre-Approval to adopt her. This should come within the next few days or few weeks. We will update you as soon as we know. We are in the process of selecting a Home Study Agency to begin our formal paperwork for China. The agency is predicting that we will not travel to China for about 1 year but maybe sooner. This is great for us though. We will have plenty of time to fundraise and apply for adoption grants.


  1. Trisha, that is so awesome that you are able to head back to China and bring home a very dear friend/sister for Jael. :0) Many times I have wished that we could go back and adopt from Yangzhou again a sister for Maddy. Our prayers will be with you during this year of 'paper-chasing' to bring Ting Li home.
    Blessings ~ the White family

  2. Trisha and Brian,
    So excited for you guys! Cannot wait to watch you all travel back to China. Wish we were going again with you! Tell Jael the Salvadors say hello! Love you guys!
